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Every Avenue ‘Bad Habits’ Album Details

Every Avenue have revealed the details for their upcoming album. ‘Bad Habits’ will be released August 2nd via Fearless Records. You can view album artwork, track listing, and announcement blog below.

A few weeks ago we announced that we’ll be releasing a new album Bad Habitsthis summer and we know you’ve been waiting for more details, so here they are! We’ll be releasing Bad Habits on August 2nd through Fearless Records and below is the album art and tracklisting. Enjoy and share it with your friends!

This is the most fun we’ve ever had making a record. And we got to make the record we wanted to make, and that’s an awesome feeling. Look out for more news and song premieres coming soon!

We’ll be on the road for the entire 2011 Vans Warped Tour so make sure you come out this summer to hear some of the new songs LIVE!

– Every Avenue

Every Avenue 'Bad Habits' Album Cover Artwork

1. Tie Me Down
2. Whatever Happened To You
3. There Tonight
4. Fall Apart
5. Just Getting Started
6. Only Place I Call Home
7. Someday, Somehow
8. Hit Me Where It Hurts The Most
9. I Can’t Not Love You
10. Watch The World

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