
Attack Attack! Vocalist Johnny Franck Leaves Band

Attack Attack! guitarist/vocalist Johnny Franck has announced that he’s left the band to “refocus on God.” In a video posted by Franck, he said,

I came to the conclusion that being out on tour really damages my relationship with God. I put the band above God and that was something that was really damaging to me. At this point in my life, it’s not what I need to be doing right now. I did not get kicked out. I left. It was my decision. There’s absolutely no hard feelings between me and any of the guys in the band.

Attack Attack! released their own statement.

It’s that time of year again boys and girls. Johnny recently informed us that he will no longer continue being in the band with us. Now, before everyone freaks the hell out. I want to tell you that we respect Johnny to the fullest for the decision he made. There are no sides, no bad blood, and no hard feelings. … We are still 5 best friends who have spent the last 3 years traveling the world, and doing extremely awesome things. With that said, I will address what is next for Attack Attack! We are going to continue touring, writing records, and generally being AA!. Caleb will take over doing the clean singing on records. Live, we’re going to have a friend of ours filling in for the time being. We’re not going to get another band member or try to “replace” Johnny. It’s just not necessary. Johnny’s spot in our band will remain his spot forever. There’s no replacing a friend or a band member like him.